• MON - SAT : 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Refund and Returns Policy

Refund and Returns Policy

We follow a ‘No questions asked Replacement/Refund Policy’ if the products delivered by us is found faulty or not up to your satisfaction. We make sure at all times to supply you with the full quantity that you have ordered. If you are not satisfied with the quality / quantity you have received we will arrange to take back / resend the missing goods. In the event that the goods delivered to you are incomplete or include incorrect goods, you must notify us. We will promptly and fully refund the price of any goods that do not meet your reasonable satisfaction or arrange for a replacement of returned goods, provided that you notify us within 3 days of delivery of goods

Note: You can cancel your order within 3 days of delivery of goods! And we will refund your amount to your payment method bank within 10-15 days!